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Group Four Transducers provides pressure measurement solutions. Our complete product line of pressure transducers, transmitters and instrumentation accommodate all standard gas and liquid measurement applications. In addition to the standard product offer we offer customizable sensors, and as with all Group Four measurement solutions, we configure to provide your application with the most efficient setup possible, and this includes a wide range of accuracy output options dependent on your needs.
Please view our standard product or contact our application engineers to discuss your project requirements.

PTG 1000 Genaral Purpose Pressure Transducer
Capacity: 10 IN/WC to 60,000 Psi
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PTT 9900 Precision Pressure Transducer
Capacity: 5 IN/WC to 40,000 Psi
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GTP 8000 Temperature Probe
Capacity: 0 to 200 Deg C
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